(Journal Canal Futur 27/06/2005)
Jour J-4...C’est autour de quinze heures que l’homme de la « vague bleue », le Révérend Pasteur Jean-Paul MOKA est descendu sur le quartier « Matonge », escorté par deux camionnettes de la police belge et deux colonels des Forces Armées Zaïroises, ainsi que deux militants du « comité bleu » de Bruxelles. Cette petite équipe compacte a été accueillie par les partisans de la « vague bleue » devant l’établissement de fast food belge, Quick.
Un membre de la municipalité de Houston (Capitale de l’état du Texan) et membre du parti républicain était également présent, accompagné d’une petite équipe et une journaliste du Washington Post. Le Révérend MOKA a salué chacun d’entre eux, en disant à la journaliste américaine : « You can take any picture you want, Belgium is a free country » ( Traduction : Vous pouvez prendre toutes les photos qui vous plairont, la Belgique est un pays libre ). Ce commentaire faisait suite aux intimidations du commissaire NUTZ de Matonge qui avait menacé la journaliste, en lui interdisant de ne prendre aucune photo des forces de police et du service de sécurité interne du Révérend Pasteur MOKA.
Le représentant du « Mouvement des étudiants, chercheurs et intellectuels congolais de Belgique », Me Garry Sakata ouvrit la tournée de l’homme de Dieu, accompagné du représentant du Congrès libéral Congolais et des maï maï congolais qui font également parti des organisations qui ont récemment rejoint le « mouvement bleu ».
dinsdag, juni 28, 2005
woensdag, juni 22, 2005 : Tensions congolaises à Bruxelles : entretien avec Cheick Fita
Avez-vous d'autres manifestations au programme pour continuer votre combat?
Oui, notamment le 30 juin prochain, le jour de l’indépendance du RDC. On a prévu une manifestation àBruxelles à partir du Petit Château qui se terminera à nouveau devant l’ambassade du Congo."
dinsdag, juni 21, 2005
Dérapage devant l'ambassade du Congo
maandag, juni 20, 2005
Local Protestors Bid To Highlight Congo Genocide (from Waltham Forest Guardian)
"IT'S not only Sir Bob Geldof who is interested in the plight of people in Africa.
Local resident Tuku Yoto, 35, is getting ready to take on Downing Street.
Mr Yoto, of Oliver Road, Leyton, along with over 500 protestors, will be taking part in a three-day demonstration to highlight genocide since 2001 in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
The three-day demonstration starts on Thursday, June 30, to mark the DRC's 35 years of independence from Belgium."
zaterdag, juni 18, 2005
Wereldbank, IMF & Zaïre
Uganda [opinion]: Democracy Not Basis for World Bank Funds: "Following the messing up of Congo's early democratic politics, when the CIA backed Mobutu and killed Patrick Lumumba, the first democratically elected Congo president, the IMF and World bank officials took over the management of Congo's economy. Starting with a loan of $27m in 1967, IMF, World Bank and other officials from donor agencies took over key positions in the ministry of finance, central bank and the office of Debt Management. The mismanagement went into overdrive: Between 1976 and 1981, the currency was devalued five times."
maandag, juni 13, 2005
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man: How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions
"We speak with John Perkins, a former respected member of the international banking community. In his book Confessions of an Economic Hit Man he describes how as a highly paid professional, he helped the U.S. cheat poor countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars by lending them more money than they could possibly repay and then take over their economies."
read the interview:
zondag, juni 12, 2005
L’opération "Inzu-Munanira" : la vérité sur la énième guerre que le Rwanda se prépare à déclencher au Nord-Kivu
Kinshasa , 11.06.2005
"Tout porte à croire que la paix s'éloigne de plus en plus au Congo et que les cercles des pyromanes et autres vampires au service des ennemis du peuple congolais se préparent déjà à lancer les premières attaques contre les Forces armées de la RDC au Kivu
La situation que l’on vit sur le terrain laisse croire que les choses se gâtent de plus en plus et que les ennemis du Congo s’organisent pour lancer le feu sur ce pays. Tout démontre en réalité que la guerre va frapper aux portes du Nord-Kivu avant le 30 juin 2005. En effet, le Rwanda de Paul Kagame a pris le devant en déployant plus de 15.000 hommes de troupes le long de sa frontière avec la RDC en partant de Bugarama dans la plaine de la Ruzizi jusqu'à Ruhengeri, point culminant faisant jonction avec l'Ouganda et le Nord-Kivu."
"Tout porte à croire que la paix s'éloigne de plus en plus au Congo et que les cercles des pyromanes et autres vampires au service des ennemis du peuple congolais se préparent déjà à lancer les premières attaques contre les Forces armées de la RDC au Kivu
La situation que l’on vit sur le terrain laisse croire que les choses se gâtent de plus en plus et que les ennemis du Congo s’organisent pour lancer le feu sur ce pays. Tout démontre en réalité que la guerre va frapper aux portes du Nord-Kivu avant le 30 juin 2005. En effet, le Rwanda de Paul Kagame a pris le devant en déployant plus de 15.000 hommes de troupes le long de sa frontière avec la RDC en partant de Bugarama dans la plaine de la Ruzizi jusqu'à Ruhengeri, point culminant faisant jonction avec l'Ouganda et le Nord-Kivu."
Wolfowitz on Africa trip in wake of debt deal
"'To be fair to them, there are just enormous challenges here,' he said. 'The mere fact that the continent is divided up into so many different countries, sometimes arbitrarily, is itself a challenge for development.'"
Wat wil die man nu eigenlijk zeggen? Dat het tijd wordt voor Afrika om zijn grenzen te verleggen? Nou nou, van een uitdaging gesproken ... we zullen het geweten hebben waarom deze evangelist van de "New American Century" en mede-architect van de oorlog in Irak tot hoofd van de wereldbank werd gebombardeerd. A suivre ... au Congo par exemple, actuellement ...
Wat wil die man nu eigenlijk zeggen? Dat het tijd wordt voor Afrika om zijn grenzen te verleggen? Nou nou, van een uitdaging gesproken ... we zullen het geweten hebben waarom deze evangelist van de "New American Century" en mede-architect van de oorlog in Irak tot hoofd van de wereldbank werd gebombardeerd. A suivre ... au Congo par exemple, actuellement ...
vrijdag, juni 10, 2005
RTL Infos - Bono plaide pour l'Afrique à Bruxelles
donderdag, juni 09, 2005
Sun Participation Age Event - United Nations
"A Letter from Scott McNealy
In the last twenty five years, we have been living through the 'Information Age,' so named because of the impact information technologies have had on our lives. It's a valid label, as the commerce of information today represents a huge percentage of all economic activity in the world. Millions upon millions of people produce information, refine it, store it, and distribute it; billions consume it in the same way we consume air, food, and water. Some of us even suffer withdrawal symptoms if denied access to it.
Unfortunately, though, there's one thing wrong with this world view: The Information Age is so last millennium.
Get past it!
Welcome instead to the 'Participation Age.' Advances in technology have made it possible for more and more people to connect with each other to participate and to share work flows, to compete for jobs, to purchase goods and services, to learn and create.
Information Age thinking says, 'Control the creation and distribution of information and you dominate markets.' Participation Age is the antithesis of that. It's all about access. That access allows for value to be created through networked human beings who share, interact and solve problems. Because of participation, meaningful content, connections, and relationships are created like never before.
In the Participation Age, there are no arbitrary distinctions between passengers and crew, actors and audience. Be one, be both, be everything in between.
Welcome to the revolution.
In the last twenty five years, we have been living through the 'Information Age,' so named because of the impact information technologies have had on our lives. It's a valid label, as the commerce of information today represents a huge percentage of all economic activity in the world. Millions upon millions of people produce information, refine it, store it, and distribute it; billions consume it in the same way we consume air, food, and water. Some of us even suffer withdrawal symptoms if denied access to it.
Unfortunately, though, there's one thing wrong with this world view: The Information Age is so last millennium.
Get past it!
Welcome instead to the 'Participation Age.' Advances in technology have made it possible for more and more people to connect with each other to participate and to share work flows, to compete for jobs, to purchase goods and services, to learn and create.
Information Age thinking says, 'Control the creation and distribution of information and you dominate markets.' Participation Age is the antithesis of that. It's all about access. That access allows for value to be created through networked human beings who share, interact and solve problems. Because of participation, meaningful content, connections, and relationships are created like never before.
In the Participation Age, there are no arbitrary distinctions between passengers and crew, actors and audience. Be one, be both, be everything in between.
Welcome to the revolution.
Sun& Ebay
"Sun Microsystems' technologies have been powering eBay since 1997. Sun has enabled eBay to leverage economies of scale to meet the site's unprecedented growth. Utilizing Sun's broad server offerings, Solaris operating system, Java technology and Sun StorEdge systems, eBay has become the largest global online marketplace. As of the first quarter of 2005, eBay has 147 million registered users worldwide, trading more than $1,344 worth of goods on the site every second. Sun Microsystems provides the Smarter Enterprise infrastructure to eBay, enabling the massive growth and scalability required for the eBay community."
woensdag, juni 08, 2005 - Louisiana Politics and News
"As President Bush and British PM Tony Blair met Tuesday, it was clear that only compassion and sympathy showmanship from the lips of President Bush ruled the day leaving Blair open-handed and wanting for negotiations to work out a deal to boost Africa�s opportunities still on the G8 finance summit agenda, to be held in Gleneagles, Scotland this July. "
02/25/05 - Sun Microsystems Teams With Bono to Fulfill His Wish for One Million Voices to Join the ONE Campaign
02/25/05 - Sun Microsystems Teams With Bono to Fulfill His Wish for One Million Voices to Join the ONE Campaign
In March 2005, Sun Microsystems' will power up a system to "elist" names for the One Campaign using a creative combination of Java technology, site participation and technologies from Voxiva. Individuals will be able to Join Bono in the fight to end the cycles of poverty and the devastation of AIDS simply by sending a text message from their mobile phone or any other Java-powered device. The text message will be a "first kiss" establishing a link between the individual and the One Campaign at Enrollment is confirmed with an email and a new ringtone offered from the site, and the result will be hundreds of thousands of voices being added to petitions for change in governmental policies that address these critical health and economic issues.
In March 2005, Sun Microsystems' will power up a system to "elist" names for the One Campaign using a creative combination of Java technology, site participation and technologies from Voxiva. Individuals will be able to Join Bono in the fight to end the cycles of poverty and the devastation of AIDS simply by sending a text message from their mobile phone or any other Java-powered device. The text message will be a "first kiss" establishing a link between the individual and the One Campaign at Enrollment is confirmed with an email and a new ringtone offered from the site, and the result will be hundreds of thousands of voices being added to petitions for change in governmental policies that address these critical health and economic issues.
06/06/05 - Sun Microsystems Unveils Share the Opportunity Global Giving Initiative During Participation Age Event at the United Nations
06/06/05 - Sun Microsystems Unveils Share the Opportunity Global Giving Initiative During Participation Age Event at the United Nations
UNITED NATIONS - June 6, 2005 - At a conference on the Participation Age held today at the United Nations, Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ: SUNW) unveiled its Share the Opportunity global giving initiative designed to help eliminate the digital divide around the world. Jonathan Schwartz, president and chief operating officer of Sun Microsystems, also was named president of the board of the Sun Foundation, a separate non-profit foundation supported by contributions from Sun Microsystems. The Sun Foundation will be responsible for the direction and execution of Sun's charitable activities in support of sharing and the Participation Age.
"For 25 years, Sun has believed that sharing - whether code, standards, or ideas - is the key to increasing competition, delivering new innovation, and growing markets," said Scott McNealy, chairman, founder and chief executive officer at Sun Microsystems. "But right now, not everyone has the tools to participate. That's why Sun is committed to improving network accessibility and eradicating the digital divide - because we believe that enabling a new wave of network participants will unlock and deliver untold economic and social value."
UNITED NATIONS - June 6, 2005 - At a conference on the Participation Age held today at the United Nations, Sun Microsystems (NASDAQ: SUNW) unveiled its Share the Opportunity global giving initiative designed to help eliminate the digital divide around the world. Jonathan Schwartz, president and chief operating officer of Sun Microsystems, also was named president of the board of the Sun Foundation, a separate non-profit foundation supported by contributions from Sun Microsystems. The Sun Foundation will be responsible for the direction and execution of Sun's charitable activities in support of sharing and the Participation Age.
"For 25 years, Sun has believed that sharing - whether code, standards, or ideas - is the key to increasing competition, delivering new innovation, and growing markets," said Scott McNealy, chairman, founder and chief executive officer at Sun Microsystems. "But right now, not everyone has the tools to participate. That's why Sun is committed to improving network accessibility and eradicating the digital divide - because we believe that enabling a new wave of network participants will unlock and deliver untold economic and social value."
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