dinsdag, februari 15, 2005

Academia & Pers loven Leopold II, in kruisvorm.


"Leopold II is the absolute Master of the whole of the internal and external activity of the Independent State of the Congo. The organization of justice, the army, the industrial and commercial

regimes are established freely by himself. He would say, and with greater accuracy than did Louis XIV., 'The State, it is I.'" Prof. F. Cattier, Brussels University. "Let us repeat after so many others what has become a platitude, the success of the African work is the work of a sole directing will, without being hampered by the hesitation of timorous politicians, carried out under his

sole responsibility, -- intelligent, thoughtful, conscious of the perils and
the advantages, discounting with an admirable prescience the great results
of a near future." M. Alfred Poskine in "Bilans Congolais."

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